Positive Day of Silence Messages

Read Triton College Positive Day of Silence messages!

For anyone struggling: You got this. I know you do. You are loved, cared for and wanted here. I know it feels hard right now, I have been there myself...but trust me it gets ten times better. Find a safe place and take shelter in there until you are ready. You'll get through this. - Adela

You are loved, you are beautiful. And very much appreciated. everything you’ve done does not go unnoticed. Trust yourself. - Mikeyla N.

love is love is love is love is love is love...supporting love in the world!!! - Mary Casey-Incardone

Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst. Accept the past. Love yourself first. - Anonymous


The first person anyone comes out to is *themselves*. It's a process, it's personal, and sometimes, it's tough to accept. Just know that it DOES get better. Love yourself for who you are and everything else will fall into place. You have a whole support system built right here at Triton. We care, and you matter to us! Be free, be true, be YOU! - Johnny Urbina / Student Life

You are seen, you are heard, you are loved, you are supported, you matter - Leslie Wester

You are seen and heard. You are capable of great things. - Adilene Villalpando /Student Life

You are amazing. You are beautiful. You are loved. - Jodi Koslow Martin (she/her)