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Dark Side of Light (Matinee Feature Film)

  • Date
    Wednesday, May 14, 2025
  • Time
    2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
  • Location
    Cernan Earth and Space Center (I Building)
  • Admission
    Adults: $10, Seniors (55 and over): $5, Children (2-17): $5, Triton College Students, Faculty & Staff with Current Semester ID: FREE, All Other High School or College Students with Student ID: $5


Light pollution.

Have you ever heard of this term?

How can something as essential as light even be associated with pollution? And yet, there it is.

For several centuries, we have become accustomed to lighting up artificial light sources after dark, considering them natural.

But it’s not.

Living organisms, both, plants and animals, have adapted to the natural cycle of day and night for tens of millions of years.

Our biorhythms work in accordance with sunrise and sunset.

The artificial disruption of this cycle has serious consequences, not only for our health but also for the environment and the economy.

So why is the increasing level of artificial lighting dangerous for us?

Let's take a look together at what is hidden under the term light pollution and what each of us can do about it.

The show Dark Side of Light is a result of an international project between seven European astronomy and planetarium facilities.

The main goal of the show is to present that the phenomenon of light pollution really exists and how it affects not only us, but the entire ecosystem, whilst the main aim of the project was to bring together people from different planetaria to share their knowhow and combine it to represent what we all expect from a fulldome show.

Should you be interested in learning more about the organizations involved in the making of the show, please visit darksideoflight.eu.

Click HERE for more information.